momWhen you were a teenager, do you remember thinking, “I can’t wait to be an adult so my mother won’t be able to try and tell me what to do”?

I remember.

But then you grow up and realize…IT NEVER ENDS lol.

Fact is, you’ll always be a kid in her eyes and she’s always going to want to ask questions and give some “stellar” advice.

So, to my story, which leads on to a question I have for you…

I’m at my mother’s house recently and we’re talking about the fact that I’ve been featured in a couple of newspapers in Northern Ireland recently. So she’s asking about my business and then says….

“But what are you gonna do when you can’t train anymore?”

I’m thinking, “What!?”

Not train anymore?

So I say, “And when would that be?”

To which she replies, “Maybe when you’re in your 40’s or something”.

๐Ÿ˜ฏ I felt a mixture of irritation, surprise, and LMAO!!

So I calmly replied, “I’m not going to stop training, like…ever.”

I’ve always just assumed that I’ll always train. Why stop? Why let all this hard work go to waste some day and let my body turn to crap? No chance. Not happening.

I’m not kidding. If I’m here when I’m 90, you’ll see me in the gym. I might have to dial the intensity back a bit by then, but you can bet your ass I’ll be there.

So this got me thinking….

Does everyone think like I do?

Is everyone else committed to training for the rest of their lives?

Leave a comment below, I’m really interested in your answers.

Reply to these 2 questions:

(1) Are you ever going to stop training? And if so, when and why?

(2) What age are you now? (You don’t have to reply to this one if you don’t want to.)

Talk to me,


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