Easily work out your body fat percentage by taking some measurements and inputting them below.

NOTE: The ‘hip’ measurement is for women only.




If you want to know how long it will take you to get shredded abs, use the body fat answer you got here and input it into the calculator on this page (scroll down a bit to the calculator section) and it will tell you (in weeks) how long it will take you to get a six-pack.




Then use a fast fat-torching plan to get you there! My popular book Total Six Pack Abs 3 is the single best way I know to get ripped abs quickly without having to sacrifice muscle gains. It’s designed for rapid and aggressive fat loss with no stops or stalls. The thing just works! See before/after pics here.




Or…would you prefer I do everything for you? I use the same principles for blistering fat loss in my GET ME SHREDDED coaching as I do in my book. But the big difference is that you don’t have to do any math yourself, or turn your needed calories and macros into a meal plan – I do all that for you.

I create a full shredding meal plan for you completely customized to your stats. And this plan will take you from wherever you are to under 10% body fat. Quick fat loss with no stalling.

So if you want to kick-back and simply wait on my custom plan arriving in your inbox, see my GET ME SHREDDED coaching on my coaching page here.

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You'll love your fast gains on THT!

Cool! Click here to take you to the download page. (or check your email for the download link)