Ready For Gains?

Targeted Hypertrophy Training (THT)



You’re about to be LIGHT-YEARS ahead of 99% of the guys at the gym. And it’ll take just 10 minutes. What you’ll discover here will accelerate your muscle gains…forever!

If you’re serious about building slabs of new muscle, and you want stellar results like all these guys got, or these ladies got, keep your eyes glued to this post (and make sure you click here to download the full workout and app for free).


No other single article on web covers it so completely – or so correctly. In points 1-8 we’ll deal with correct training. And points 9 – 12 deal with the diet side of things. You need to get both right to succeed!

muscle-fiberFirst, let me clear up what muscle growth actually is. Watch this quick video below, which explains this well (it’s only 40 seconds long, but it’s awesome).




So muscle tissue is made up of individual muscle fibers. Training in the correct way damages these fibers. Resting and eating for growth then repairs and enlarges the tissue. Done!

Downloading Targeted Hypertrophy Training (THT) training now is the BEST move you can make in your quest to build muscle. Join tens of thousands of others and let today be the beginning of a new way of training which will finally bring you the results you desire. Just input your email below (it’s totally free).





Your muscles will have no reason to grow if you don’t place them under ever-increasing demand. Put simply, your goal is to get a little stronger week in, week out. Without this foundation, you just won’t succeed.

What this means is that the weight you can lift on any given exercise should increase slightly over time. No increase = no growth. This is the concept of Progressive Overload.





Hypertrophy means an increase in muscle size. You want to specifically target this, as opposed to strength-training, which has its focus primarily on strength (not size) gains.

Almost a decade of research and training has led me to identify the following rep ranges as optimal for building muscle size:

8-12 reps per set

6-8 reps per set

The idea is to train for about 10 weeks in 1 rep range before switching to the next rep range. Always start at 8-12 reps for your first training cycle before moving on. Training at lower rep ranges than these won’t produce much real SIZE increases. This is one of the problems with workouts like “5×5”. To see why 5×5 workouts don’t build a lot of muscle read this article.


emgNOTE: Would you like a list of the TOP 12 MOST EFFECTIVE EXERCISES for building muscle as identified by science? The results come from electromyography (EMG) tests – they are absolutely the best movements you can do to build muscle for every single body part. If you are not doing these exercises, you are not gaining like you could be. Grab them below.

You don’t have to go to your email to click a confirm link; the info you need will appear immediately after you enter your email. Enjoy your gains 🙂




Just picking up a weight and doing 8-12 reps over and over again isn’t going to get you anywhere. Intensity matters, and here’s how to make sure you do it right…

Let’s say you can do 10 reps of barbell curls; you simply can’t get 11 reps and 5 reps feels easy. 5 reps would then represent 50% Intensity of Effort (10 being 100%). If in every set you stopped at 50% intensity of effort, do you think you’d ever grow? You and I both know that you wouldn’t. It’s too easy. There’s simply no threatening stimulus being placed on the body forcing it to adapt and grow.

The necessary recruitment and stimulation of the maximum number of muscle fibers comes in those last few, almost-impossible reps of a set. Stopping short of this point ensures that you don’t switch on the mechanism for growth. I could write a book on this topic alone, but read one of my latest posts here to see why those final reps are all important…and why you’ll never make up for a lack of intensity by doing more and more sets (more volume).

Always remember that building muscle is a defense mechanism by the body. If there is not a good enough reason provided (i.e. sufficient intensity), the body simply has NO reason whatsoever to trigger the adaptive response of making your muscles larger.


It’s like getting a tan. Intense sunlight is required for the body to build up a tan, which is its way of protecting your skin against further sunlight stress. If the light isn’t intense enough, you could sit out 16hrs a day for 30 days and you won’t even be remotely tanner. The defense mechanism of building more muscle mass is only triggered by high intensity training. You can be in the gym 3hrs, twice a day, 365 days a year, and you won’t build so much as a pound of muscle if the intensity isn’t there.





Did you know that muscle growth occurs during the rest periods between workouts, not during the workout itself? The workout produces microtears in the muscle tissue which stimulates the process of repair and growth to begin when the workout is over.

However, if you don’t rest enough between workouts, and work the same muscle again too soon, you’ll actually stop this process from completing. In your over-enthusiasm you’ll actually prevent muscle growth from happening. You must rest! Think of it in the same way as a scab. If you pick it, it won’t heal. So tear up the muscle in the gym, then rest and let nature take its course if you want optimal growth.

This diagram illustrates the growth process perfectly…





Studies show that both full body routines and 5-day splits work to build muscle.

With a full body routine you’ll train your whole body 3-times per week. If using a split routine, you’ll train each body part once a week but do more sets per workout.

Here are examples of how to do this in the super-effective THT Training:


Now Here’s a 5-Day Training Split…


THT 5 Day Routine


If you want to download these workouts, you can do so at the bottom of this page (100% free).




In my free THT training routine we use both of the above approaches. Do 10 weeks of the 3-Day Routine, take a week off and rest, then do 10 weeks of the 5-Day Routine. Do both these workouts in the 8-12 rep range. After doing both these cycles, repeat the process in the 6-8 rep range. This will complete a year of non-stop gains and your body will be utterly transformed!




That week off is important. In order to maximize muscle gains you need to take a well-deserved break every now and then. Although local muscle recovery doesn’t require this length of time, full SYSTEMIC recovery requires a full week off after about 10 weeks of continuous training.

Furthermore, after your week off your body will be primed to respond to a new stimulus all over again. You’re back and the body is forced into adaptation mode all over again!




Compound exercises are crucial, they involve many muscle groups simultaneously and allow you to lift pretty heavy loads. They can be defined as exercises that involve rotary motion around more than one joint. Key compound examples are squats, deadlifts, and overhead press.

willy-knows1Isolation movements have got a bum rap in recent years. These are exercises that involve rotary movement around one joint e.g. bicep preacher curls.

While the ‘compound-only’ enthusiasts talk of “working” multiple body parts in one exercise, it must be understood that this is NOT to say that each individual muscle group is worked with sufficient intensity to stimulate growth. You may be “involving” the triceps during a bench press, for example, but you will not recruit enough muscle fibers in the triceps, nor bring them to a point of failure with this movement. Pushdowns are a fantastic tricep isolation exercise.

This is why isolation exercises are a key component of any good muscle-building program. Isolation movements allow 100% recruitment of the muscle fibers in the worked – or isolated – muscle. That’s why we isolate it. You simply CANNOT stimulate fibers to grow that weren’t even recruited in the exercise, so isolation exercises are an absolute requirement for maximizing growth stimulation. There’s a good reason why all top bodybuilders use both compound and isolation exercises.




steak and sweet potato friesNo matter what bodybuilding diet you are on, you need to eat enough to supply your body with what it needs to grow. Eat roughly 200-300 calories above maintenance level every day. The usual advice of 500 above maintenance is too much. That’s 3500 surplus calories every week. You will get fat. Contrary to popular opinion, you don’t need to get fat to build muscle.

Go here to see exactly how many calories you need to build muscle. Get on a great bodybuilding diet to ensure that you are supplying the correct amount of calories and protein. My free GLAD diet meets all the above requirements and is perfect for bulking up.




No you don’t need astronomical amounts of protein to build muscle, but you do need more than the average guy. In this article I show the 2 best ways to find out how much protein you need to build muscle at an optimal rate.  Use either of the the following 2 calculations:


Easy Way: Consume 1g of Protein Per Pound of Body Weight

Hard Way: Your Lean Mass Weight (Kg) x 2.75 = Daily Protein Requirement


Here’s a quick list of high protein foods along with their protein content in grams:

  • Steak. 6 oz = 42g proteinchicken
  • Chicken breast. 3.5 oz = 30g protein
  • Chicken meat (cooked). 4 oz – 35g protein
  • Pork chop = ~22 grams protein
  • Ham. 3 oz serving = 19g protein
  • Bacon. 1 slice – 3g protein
  • Fish fillets or steaks. 3½ oz / 100g of cooked fish = 22g protein
  • Tuna. 6 oz can = 40g protein
  • Egg = 6g protein
  • Milk. 1 cup = 8g protein
  • Cottage cheese. 1 cup = 30g protein
  • Hard cheese = ~10g protein per oz
  • Natural yogurt. 1 cup = ~10g protein
  • Tofu. ½ cup = 20g protein
  • Most beans (black, pinto, lentils, etc). 1/2 cup cooked = ~7-10g protein
  • Soy beans. ½ cup cooked = 14g proteinalmonds
  • Peanut butter. 2 Tablespoons = 8g protein
  • Peanuts. ¼ cup = 9g protein
  • Almonds. ¼ cup = 8g protein
  • Pumpkin seeds. ¼ cup = 8g protein
  • Flax seeds. ¼ cup = 8g protein
  • Sunflower seeds. ¼ cup = 6g protein




To build muscle at the maximum rate you need to drink enough water. Use this formula:

Body weight (lbs) X 0.6 = Water Intake in ounces.

Remember strength can decrease by up to 15% with a drop in hydration levels of only 3%!




Not strictly a diet tip, but important! Your muscle tissue repairs itself and grows during rest periods, but sleep is more important than waking rest. Here’s why:


  1. The release of growth hormone reaches its peak during deep sleep
  2. Your metabolic rate slows which is perfect for muscle tissue repair and growth
  3. Increased blood flow to the muscles

In addition, studies show that those who sleep 4 or less hours per night have 60% less total testosterone and 55% less bio-available testosterone than those who sleep 8 hrs or more.

You must rest, guys. And rest well. So make a good night’s sleep a priority in your life.



THTcover340All of these 12 factors are fully taken into account in THT training. Downloading THT now is the BEST move you can make in your quest to build muscle. Join 67,000 others and let today be the beginning of a new way of training which will finally bring you the results you desire. Just input your email below or at the top of this page (it’s totally free).



Get started today and feel free to connect with me on my social networks:


Train With Intensity!

Your Buddy,


P.S. I know that putting together a diet for mass gains or getting shredded abs can be a pain in the butt, especially if you are new to this – that’s why I offer a service where I will do all the tough ground work for you.
You probably don’t know how many calories you need, or how many grams of protein, carbs or fat you need (based on your personal stats)…BUT I DO. Then I can take these numbers and create an exact meal plan for you to hit those numbers spot on! You’ll know what foods to eat and even when to eat them. All you have to do…is do it. No thinking involved. If you’d like me to take care of this for you, see the Get Me Shredded option on my Coaching Page here.

Get Totally Shredded Fast

Get ripped at blistering speed without losing muscle and keep gaining in the gym. Also, you get your abs or you get your money back! That's the power of Mark's Total Six Pack Abs program. More details here.

Buff Baking Anabolic Cookbook

Extremely easy anabolic recipes with simple ingredients that makes fueling muscle growth feel like a cheat meal! Bars, cookies, pizza, ice cream...see pics and recipes here.

Advanced T.H.T. Training

A brand new workout including 9 x advanced "Shock & Awe" hypertrophy techniques to ignite pounds of new gains! It's "Game-Changing" time! Got at least 1yrs training experience? It may be time to go advanced! You've never trained like this before. Get all the details here.

Stay Shredded

Stay shredded all year – no more long cutting cycles. If you’ve ever gotten ripped abs only to lose them a few weeks later, you need to know the secrets of staying shredded without fasting and without giving up cheat meals. I’m ripped all year – you should be too! Details here.

Shoulder Blast Workout

In Jan 2019 a bunch of 'lab rats' tested the New Shoulder Blast Workout and gained up to 2.5 inches in shoulder size in 7-10 days! There is a very specific type of training stress that works uniquely well for the shoulders. You're about to target it...hard! More details here.

The Arm Blast Experiment

Gain up to an inch on your arms over the next week with new "hyper-intense" training techniques that literally force new arm growth. The workout is based on the results of an online study conducted by Mark from MuscleHack. More details here.

Chest Blast Workout

3 Workouts | 7 Days | Up to 3 inches in chest growth! A workout that will fry every muscle fiber in your pecs and literally force new and permanent! More details here.

The Leg Blast Workout

An explosive training package for fast leg gains! 1 week | 3 x 90 minute workouts | "hyper-intense" techniques = big & fast leg gains. Up to 3 inches in growth. See more details and testimonials here.

Get The Free MuscleHack App!

FREE for iPhone & Android! Just go to the App or Play store and search for 'musclehack'.

The THT workouts are already programmed into the app so you can track your progress to make sure you are packing on new slabs of muscle!

You’ll also get all my latest tips for free in the app!

Please help out Mark by making a donation - nothing is too small 🙂

MuscleHack is a one-man operation. Mark does everything here - the articles, videos, social media updates, THT workouts - all at no cost to you. Please help keep it all free by giving a small donation. Thank you!


I highly recommend MyProtein for all your supplement needs.




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You'll love your fast gains on THT!

Cool! Click here to take you to the download page. (or check your email for the download link)